In the third installment of the “Questions with the Council” video series, Senior Manager, Tom White answers the payment industry’s questions about PCI DSS v4.0. The questions focus specifically on training offerings related to PCI DSS v4.0. Questions include:
- Will the PCI DSS v4.0 exam be open book?
- Will there be training about PCI DSS v4.0 for PCIPs?
- When will changes in PCI DSS v4.0 be reflected in trainings?
- Are ISAs required to take the transitional training and exam?
- What’s the PCI DSS v4.0 training path for a new QSA?
Watch “Questions with the Council” where Tom answers these questions and more! Make sure to subscribe to the Council’s YouTube page to stay up to date with upcoming payment security videos.
Make sure to check out the whole “Questions with the Council” series!