FAQ: How does Encrypted Cardholder Data Impact PCI DSS Scope?

Posted by Laura K. Gray on 21 Jul, 2017 in Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) and PCI DSS and Scoping and Encryption and FAQ
Did you know that the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) resource on the PCI SSC website is updated re... READ MORE

Demystifying the NESA

Posted by Laura K. Gray on 13 Jul, 2017 in Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) and Interview and Encryption and NESA
Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) technology makes data unreadable so it has no value to criminals ev... READ MORE

Making Payments Safer with PCI P2PE Solutions

Posted by Lindsay Goodspeed on 11 Apr, 2017 in Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) and Interview
Point-to-point encryption (P2PE) protects cardholder data from cybercriminals by encrypting data fro... READ MORE

Foregenix CEO on State of Payments in the African Region

Posted by Lindsay Goodspeed on 23 Mar, 2017 in Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) and Interview and MEAF
In this post, we get insights from Andrew Henwood CEO, Foregenix. He will present Local is Lekker: P... READ MORE

Worldpay: Fighting Back Against Fraud with PCI P2PE

Posted by Laura K. Gray on 30 Nov, 2016 in Small Business and Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) and Interview and Small Merchant Resources
Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) technology makes data unreadable so it has no value to criminals ev... READ MORE

P2PE: Assessing Non-listed Encryption Solutions

Posted by Laura K. Gray on 22 Nov, 2016 in Point to Point Encryption (P2PE)
Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) technology makes data unreadable so it has no value to criminals ev... READ MORE

How Company Culture Can Defend Against Cyber Attacks

Posted by Lindsay Goodspeed on 13 Oct, 2016 in Small Business and Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) and Passwords and PCI DSS and Cyber Security Awareness Month
As an official Champion of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), the Council will be shar... READ MORE

Securing Account Data with Point-to-Point Encryption

Posted by Laura K. Gray on 12 Oct, 2016 in Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) and Interview
Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) is a critical technology for devaluing payment card data and preven... READ MORE

Devaluing Data with Point-to-Point Encryption: 3 Tips for Merchants

Posted by Jeremy King on 4 Mar, 2016 in Point to Point Encryption (P2PE)
There are many points payment card data can be exposed as it travels through a merchant’s systems an... READ MORE

TEST Security: Are You Using Tested Products and Vendors?

Posted by Laura K. Gray on 23 Dec, 2015 in Small Business and Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) and Holidays and Vendors and QIR and Remote Access and Validated Payment Applications
Our 12 Days of Tips series explores how small retailers can ACT now to repel data thieves during thi... READ MORE

CHECK Controls: Protecting Cardholder Data with Encryption

Posted by Laura K. Gray on 15 Dec, 2015 in Small Business and Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) and Holidays
Our 12 Days of Tips series explores how small retailers can ACT now to repel data thieves during thi... READ MORE

Assessor Viewpoint: On PCI Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) Solutions

Posted by Dr. Stephan Engelke on 5 Nov, 2015 in Point to Point Encryption (P2PE)
Many merchants face issues in becoming PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) compliant and maintaining th... READ MORE

