5 Questions with Swati Sharma

Posted by Lindsay Goodspeed on 12 May, 2017 in Community Meetings and TLS/SSL and Interview and QSA
Leading up to the Asia-Pacific Community Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, speaker Swati Sharma, QSA, CI... READ MORE

Hacking is an Industry – The Cybersecurity Skills Pipeline is not Strong Enough to Keep it at Bay

Posted by Mauro Lance on 25 Apr, 2017 in Training and Hackers and QSA
Hackers are proactive, relentless and constantly testing ways to exploit payment data for financial ... READ MORE

Minding the Cybersecurity Gap: New Associate QSA Program

Posted by Laura K. Gray on 29 Mar, 2017 in Interview and PCI SSC and QSA
At the PCI Middle East and Africa Forum in Cape Town, the PCI SSC announced plans to evolve the PCI ... READ MORE

